NM Unit Draft EIS Virtual Public Meeting
Thank you for visiting the virtual public meeting for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission (ISC) draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the New Mexico Unit of the Central Arizona Project (NM Unit).
The public comment period ended on June 8, 2020, but you can still access the project information and meeting materials on this site.
Reclamation and the ISC will not hold any in-person public meetings on the NM Unit draft EIS as a direct result of the following: (1) The National Emergency declared by the President on March 13, 2020 in response to the coronavirus (COVID–19) pandemic in the United States; (2) the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendations for social distancing and avoiding large public gatherings; and (3) Executive Orders related to COVID-19 issued by the states of New Mexico and Arizona. In lieu of the in-person public meetings, the Joint Leads have set up an interactive virtual public meeting website to share information, solicit comments on the draft EIS, and provide a forum to answer relevant questions. The virtual public meeting can be accessed anytime through the project website.
The following information is the same as those resources that would be available if Reclamation and ISC conducted in-person open house meetings. By clicking on the icons below, participants can do the following:
Move from station to station to read the project information;
Provide your comments on the NM Unit draft EIS by June 8, 2020 (CLOSED); and
Read frequently asked questions and answers.
The NM Unit draft EIS and related documents are available for review at the NM Unit project website.
Questions and answers about the NM Unit project and draft EIS are answered here.
Visitors to the NM Unit virtual public meeting can also watch a presentation below explaining the project or download a copy of the presentation.
Virtual Public Meeting Stations
For more information on the draft EIS, visit the project website or email NMUnitEIS@empsi.com.
You can also contact Sean Heath at Reclamation (623-773-6250) or Ali Effati at ISC (505-827-5801).
To be added or removed from the mailing list, email NMUnitEIS@empsi.com.