NEPA and Public Involvement
Photograph of the Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery surface water intake site on Icicle Creek
NEPA and the Scoping Process
NEPA requires that federal agencies engage the public during preparation of an EIS. Scoping is the process that continues throughout the planning and early stages of EIS preparation. Agencies use scoping to engage various stakeholders including state, local, and tribal governments and the public in the early identification of affected resources, issues to be considered, and potential alternatives.
Engaging the Public
On May 18, 2020, Reclamation hosted a moderated, live Q&A video teleconference session for the public from 4 PM to 6 PM PDT.
During the video teleconference, attendees joined by computer or phone to learn about the SWISP EIS and the NEPA process. Attendees had the opportunity to ask questions during a moderated, live Q&A session with Reclamation and LNFH staff. The video teleconference was recorded and made available on Reclamation’s SWISP EIS website. No public comments were accepted during the video teleconference.
For more information on the SWISP EIS, please contact Jason Sutter (208-378-5390,
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