Harris Springs Recreation Area Management Plan and Environmental Assessment
NEPA and Public Involvement
The NEPA Process
The BLM Red Rock/Sloan Field Office is preparing this Draft Recreation Area Management Plan (RAMP) concurrently with an Environmental Assessment (EA) to enable the agency to identify the appropriate travel network, establish a restoration plan for disturbed areas, and address unauthorized routes and trails in the Harris Springs area (Harris Springs) within the RRCNCA. The BLM will prepare the EA associated with the RAMP because of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NEPA requires federal agencies to assess the environmental effects of their proposed actions prior to making decisions. The BLM is using the EA to evaluate the environmental and related social and economic effects of the proposed Harris Springs RAMP.
The BLM will engage the public in a 30-day comment period on the Draft RAMP/EA from January 19 to February 18, 2022. The BLM will use this information to identify and work with various stakeholders including state, county, local, and tribal governments; homeowners in the area; recreationalists; and the public. The early planning and information gathering process will help the BLM in the identification of potentially affected resources and issues and potential alternatives to be considered in the Draft RAMP/EA.
While not required during preparation of an EA, the BLM chose to engage the public in a 30-day early planning and information gathering period (November 1 to December 1, 2021) as they developed the Harris Springs Draft RAMP/EA, which was the initial opportunity for the public to provide comments. The BLM used this information to identify and work with various stakeholders including state, county, local, and Tribal governments; residents in the area; recreationalists; and the public. The early planning and information gathering process helped the BLM in the identification of potentially affected resources and issues and potential alternatives considered in the Draft RAMP/EA.
Opportunities for Public Involvement
The BLM is providing a 30-day period from January 19 to February 18, 2022 for stakeholders and members of the public to provide comments on the Draft RAMP/EA. The public is also invited to attend a virtual public information meeting on the Harris Springs Draft RAMP/EA to be held on February 1, 2022. The purpose of the virtual public meeting will be for the BLM to provide information on the Harris Springs Draft RAMP/EA and give an opportunity for the public to provide comments.
Due to COVID 19 precautions, the BLM is hosting a live, moderated virtual public information meeting using the Zoom video conferencing technology. Attendees may join via computer or phone to participate. More information on how to join/register for this virtual public meeting is provided below.
The virtual public information meeting is scheduled for February 1, 2022 at 6 p.m. PST.
Registration and Information for the Virtual Public Meeting
Participants can register for the February 1, 2022 live virtual public information meeting at:
If a participant plans on making comments during the virtual public information meeting, please indicate that when registering.
During the virtual public information meeting, attendees can join by computer or phone to learn about the Harris Springs Draft RAMP/EA. The virtual public information meeting will start with a brief presentation by BLM staff followed by a question and answer period and an opportunity for attendees to provide their comments. Commenters will have an allotted time period to provide comments and the order of commenters will be based on meeting registration. In addition, public comments can be submitted here.
We recommend that members of the public log into the Zoom meeting platform 10 minutes prior to the beginning of the presentation on February 1, 2022 at 6 p.m. PST to ensure that they can connect. If using the phone-only option, participants will be able to listen to the virtual public information meeting, but they will not see any presentation. Instructions will be given regarding how participants will be able to provide their comments.
Next Station: Draft RAMP/EA and Frequently Asked Questions
For more information on the Harris Springs RAMP/EA, please email the BLM.