Socioeconomic Resources
During scoping, what did the public ask use to consider in the FMG RMPA/EIS for socioeconomic resources?
How would the BLM and BIA identify and address the following socioeconomic issues:
Positive and negative impacts of oil and gas development on local and regional economies and social setting, including nonmarket values?
Minimization and mitigation of human health impacts disproportionate and adverse environmental justice impacts from oil and gas development?
What baseline data, reports, and studies would the agencies use to address these issues?
Dine' Bee’iina
Listen to information about this virtual open house station in Navajo.
Protective Measures in the DEIS
BLM and BIA alternatives include leasing restrictions or no surface occupancy (NSO) stipulations that range from 656 to 3,696 ft away from houses, barns, personal or community buildings, etc. or other sensitive receptors, as defined by the EPA
NSO or other leasing stipulations in consideration of water quality, including domestic wells; seeps and springs; and wetlands
Reduce dust and road impacts by requiring remote telemetry of well data and piping of produced water where feasible
Limit impacts on roads by requiring operators to consult with applicable state, tribal or other transportation and roads departments
Leasing stipulations or conditions of approval (COAs) to limit impacts on:
Night skies and Yádiłhił
Noise at homes or other sensitive receptors, including low-frequency noise
Culturally important properties where tribal practices may occur
Next Station
For more information on the Draft FMG RMPA/EIS please contact Sarah Scott, 505-564-7689 or Robert Begay, 505-863-8515
If you have questions about the Draft FMG RMPA/EIS or wish to be added or removed from the mailing list, please contact BLM at